Friday, October 18, 2013

The Giant Drop

Looks like One piece full sunny day I went through the gates as mum and dad payed for the wrist bands that give us access to the rides. The first thing I spotted was a giant tower with two pieces of track on it one on each side.After that I saw a yellow triangle shaped thing climb up one of the tracks it stopped at the top and dangled the riders in midair for ten seconds. Suddenly it dropped the riders screamed like it was the end of the world then it stopped just before it hit the ground then it slowly lowered itself a bit more than stopped for the last time. Sounds like CLICK CLICK CLICK BANG! I get pulled up in a seat with my dad sitting beside me when Suddenly click the climbing stopped Finally ten seconds of silence started. It dropped about 1 meter really slow “oh how fun is this” I exaggerated. Screaming bursts into my ear as I get pulled to the ground at full speed. BASH! the drop stops a loud buzzing noise found a way into my ears as the seats lowered a bit more than came to a final stop on the ground. Feels like I get lifted up and it feels like I am in an elevator my nerves started to take over it starts to shake a little bit then it stops lifting me then the shaking stops. I can't feel anything except for the nervous feeling in my stomach. It starts to shake again then the seats lower slowly making me even more nervous. Then I get pulled down it feels like someone is pushing down on my shoulders when the magnet catches it at the bottom every section of my body feels normal and the stress is all over.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Heith I can see you are improving in your writing.
